Program Description
You might basically know how to play Dungeons and Dragons. You may have been given a pre-generated Gnome Druid from your Dungeon Master, but you aren’t sure exactly how everything works. What is my character’s Passive Wisdom (Perception)? How do I find that out? How do I know what skills I am good at? Does my background affect anything except the story? What is constitution and how much should I have? Can I be negative Charisma? What’s my Armor class? If you’ve asked yourself these questions, or even “how the heck do I even start?” then this workshop is for you!
Join library staff Stacia and Laura online for a character creation workshop.You and your fellow adventurers, working together, will create one amazing and original Level 1 character from scratch! By the end of the evening, you’ll understand how and why characters can do what they do, and be inspired to figure out what kind of character you want to play in your next game!
Registration is required. Please register to receive the Zoom link.