Craft Retreat: Art Journaling!

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Program Type:

Workshop, Art & Culture

Age Group:

Adult, Tween & Teen
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Registration for this event is no longer open.

Program Description


Welcome to the second class of our Craft Retreat Weekend!

The Craft Retreat is a 3-day event from Friday to Sunday, January 3 — 5. Each class is a crafty how-to taught by Portsmouth Public Library Staff. Please feel free to sign up for one, two, three, or as many of the programs as you like.

Each day between 12 — 2 PM is free time. The Levenson room will be set up for Hygge and you may walk downtown or bring a lunch during this time if you are staying for both crafts. The large break is provided so people may either 
continue working on their crafts, do a puzzle, color, or cozy up and read a book. 

The schedule is as follows:

Knolling Workshop 
Friday January  3
10 AM — 12 PM

Knolling is the process of arranging objects so they are parallel or at 90-degree angles. It helps keep everything
organized and when photographed creates clean, noticeable images. We will create shadow boxes of found items and organize the items by knolling. Materials are provided, but feel free to bring small items to add to your shadow box!

Sign Up Here.


Art Journaling Workshop
Friday January  3
2 — 4 PM

Start art journaling with creative prompts and examples. Art Journaling is a great way to relieve stress and free yourself from the confines of perfection.

Sign Up Here.


Origami Workshop
Saturday January 4
10 AM — 12 PM

Make a small cube box with a lid followed by a modular square box. These are excellent for storing small tchotchkes or as a small gift box.

Sign Up Here.


Recycled Paper Art Workshop
Saturday January 4
2 — 4 PM

Using old book pages, learn to make rosettes, flowers, garlands, corsages, and even paper crowns! Learn how to use sustainable items to create personalized items, gifts, and decorations for book lovers!

Sign Up Here.


Embroidery Workshop
Sunday January 5
1:30 — 3:30 PM

Learn to embroider a tiny floral design on a mini hoop! Perfect to add to a necklace or two for earrings!

Sign Up Here.