Exhibit: Seacoast Camera Club

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Program Type:

Exhibit, Crafts

Age Group:

All Ages

Program Description


We are pleased to showcase a selection of photographs from The Seacoast Camera Club at their annual exhibit at the Portsmouth Public Library!

The Seacoast Camera Club is a group of photographers who join together for inspiration, friendship, educational opportunities, photo walks, in-person and virtual meetings, and more!  Every winter they display some of their best work at this special exhibit — You won't want to miss this beautiful collection! 

The exhibit will be on display in the Levenson Community Room, from January  27 through March 1. Join us for the exhibit reception on February 11 from 6:30 - 8:30 PM featuring a presentation by Ben Williamson, photo editor for Down East magazine. 

Registration is not required. Refreshments will be served at the reception. 


About Ben Williamson
Benjamin Williamson isn't your traditional landscape and nature photographer. Instead of seeking places devoid of human presence, he likes to showcase our relationship to the natural environment. A lifelong love of cultural history and the weather are combined in images that often feature man-made objects and landmarks in unusual conditions and beautiful light.

Ben studied photography while working nights tending bar. At first, he simply wanted to capture the beauty he was coming across on walks and hikes near his home in Bath Maine. He quickly discovered that a photograph could be more than just a visual document of a moment in time. It could be a creative and expressive act, capturing his feelings about the scenes in front of him. This hobby evolved into a full-time profession within just a few years after he was hired to be the photo editor for Down East magazine. His goal throughout has remained the same, to share the awe and wonder he feels and the deep sense of connection to the beauty that abounds in the world around us.

More Info

Please check the calendar before you visit. Exhibit will be available for viewing when there is not an event or meeting in progress.